Do you realize that every building is important to two very different parties with totally different interests? On the one hand there is the investor who wants to make money. On the other hand there is you, the user. What you want is to live, work and enjoy leisure there. Suppliers that exclusively focus on YOUR interests, are the most interesting to you. To them I explained this earlier in a blog on “Duurzaam Verlicht”. Let me explain why.

How current rules still complicate thingsbriq2

Under the current legislation a real estate investor is not only responsible for the base building but also for the fit-out, like the kitchen, the bathroom, user installations and finishing. The investor has a large interest in the base building because of its long life cycle, which gives him sufficient time for his return on investment. In contrast, his interest in the fit-out is small and the responsibility more a burden than a blessing. A fit out consists primarily of products with a relatively short life cycle because several successive users have different needs. During the life cycle of the base building, the fit-out is replaced several times. In addition, the investor does not know the user. He has no idea what his needs and preferences are. So you get a fit-out you had no control over and undoubtedly want to adapt. In short, neither the real estate investor nor users are happy with the current situation.

New relations in ownership

That is why I plead for new relationships in ownership between a property owner and users. A relationship in which each party only has to invest in that part of a building that is important and of value to him. That is how two specialist markets emerge for suppliers. One for the base building (B2B) and one for the fit-out (B2B + B2C). For suppliers the question is: what market do they target and how do they make a difference for you as user of a building. Which supplier would you prefer? A specialist of course, who can tune to your needs and deliver the goods you want.

Beneficial effect on use of materials

These new relations in ownership also have a very beneficial effect on the use of biological and natural materials in construction. If we start from a separation in base building and fit out we no longer mix materials and we certainly do not set installations in concrete. Products and materials are processed separately. They can each be removed or replaced at the moment that is functionally, technically, economically and environmentally the most sound. In this way a circular commodity economy can arise that makes new contracts possible. Such as leases for temporary use of, for example, facades, installations for light, a kitchen or a bathroom. Contracts are based on the service provided rather than the one-off sale and delivery of products. Because why would you want to buy a light bulb if you are only interested in light? Imagine the possibilities this gives you as a user of buildings. Let me help you realize these new possibilities.

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To your health and wellbeing,

Remko Zuidema