Are you an entrepreneur in construction and do you want to make your company more sustainable? Do you want to connect with progressive companies that already work with a circular, fossil-free and inclusive approach? Do you want to get more value from your materials, products and buildings while your production costs go down and you can resell the materials, products and buildings almost as new?
The CoCycle Community helps you with that. This exclusive network of like-minded people from the construction business has circular, inclusive and fossil-free construction as its pillars. A unique opportunity to enter into collaborations and explore new possibilities through drinks, workshops and masterclasses!
Our CoCycle Community of company and individual members work together to initiate a shift from a system based on endless taking – from the earth and from one another – to a culture based on caretaking. The principle is that what we take, we also take care of and give back:
A system in which everyone is valued, and we don’t treat people or the natural world as if they were disposable.
[thanks to Naomi Klein, NO is not enough, page 241]
Circular construction
Within the construction industry, the circular approach can be a big step forward. By maximizing the re-usability of products and raw materials and minimizing value destruction, producers can offer a higher quality retention and parts that can be easily replaced or reused. Not only does this reduce the pressure on the production chain, customer loyalty is also significantly increased!
Inclusive construction
By disconnecting the use of and investment in a building, and giving each the space they deserve, the building gains value. Each function and ownership choice has different characteristics and thus different solutions. There are many more changes to the way a building is used in a shorter period of time than there are changes in investments. Even when using and investing is done by the same person or organization – as is the case with home-ownership – physical decoupling is important, to be able to easily renovate or remodel decades later. Looking for sustainable prospects with equivalent initial costs is the goal.
Fossil-free construction
Fossil-free, or more specifically, natural gas-free construction, is not only better for the environment, it is also a more sustainable option for construction itself. Fossil fuels are finite and the sooner alternatives and alternative methods are exploited, the better the sector is prepared for the future. There are also large differences in climate influence in building products, which makes those differences increasingly part of sustainable choices. Independence of natural gas is not only an advantage in tenders, but with a view to the future it also offers more security and stability, and a stronger company.
In the end it is not about building, but about buildings and all our construction over time!
What now?
Does that sound like you? You will learn how to and implement these pillars and much more in the CoCycle Community. The CoCycle Community is not just a network. From the first encounter with concepts such as refurbishment and remanufacturing, to an analysis of your company and all possibilities, to guidance in the actual transition to circular business – everything is covered. In addition to access (with a big discount!) to all workshops and master classes, there are also regular community-only events. These offer an excellent opportunity to establish contacts with potential partners, to discuss new business cases and to gather ideas about possible innovations within your own organization. Joint projects and long-term partnerships are the result. The BRIQS Foundation cooperates with many knowledge institutions and leaders in the field. The CoCycle Community offers structural support in working towards a circular, inclusive and fossil-free construction sector, with members as leaders of the movement.
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