
The briqs foundation is bringing together individual end users, investors, industrial building companies with the research and education community worldwide, starting in The Netherlands with – among others – the Universities of TU Delft, RUN and TU/e and the Universities of Applied Science of Utrecht and Rotterdam.

We work in close cooperation with several universes and colleges in The Netherlands through incorporating their teachers, researchers and graduates in great energetic workshops, projects and research programs.

The founder and chairman Remko Zuidema is determined to form this network of enthousiasts to change the build environment by incorporating directly the knowledge and willpower of the end user into the investor and inventive building construction industry. And look forward to further cooperation.

From the knowledge carriers around Open Building and Materials usage we pay much gratitude to:

John Habraken as founder of Open Building, emeritus professor at TU/e and MIT;

Stephen Kendall as emeritus professor of Ball State University and connector to many world developments;

Karel Dekker as a consultant and former executive of TNO around Building Regulations and Open Building;

Frans van der Werf as architect and author of Open Designs;

Jan Henk Welink from the TU Delft Platform for Sustainable Commodity use;

Mieke Oostra as lector at the Hogeschool Utrecht at the Kenniscentrum Gezond & Duurzaam Leven;

In addition, in regards to marketing and brand design, texts, translations, website and other techniques we pay our gratitude especially to:

The many blogs and other texts of Aldi van Lierop from her business AldiSchrijft;

The tight supervision of the Dutch and English texts of website and more by Saskia Steur from her business Blog Atelier Foundation;

Merijn Kegel, Ron Scheerer and team from the Webalist company for the website and many underlying internet technologies;

Marielle van der Vlies from Succes met je bedrijf in her enthusiasm and direction into effective web implementation;

And besides short(er) but it no less important assistance set up by the brand and marketing principles by Frans van der Schip from his business ProPositions; propositions; name briqs developed by Globrand; the protection efforts of intellectual property by Jaap Ozinga of Noordzij Partners; the design by the team of Anneke Maessen from her company FrisseWind; texts by Caroline D. van Wijk van Cline Communicatie; original texts Birgitta Langen from her business Woord; writing of spoken texts by Diana van Eynde from her business Goed Verwoord and various translations into English by Geraldine Nesbitt from her business Write Away.

This long list of contributors will be added often, although some people asked to keep their cooperation to low public key.

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