Recommendations ebook Natural gas free, and what to do next?

Duurzaam Gebouwd Congress Februari 1st 2018 in Hoofddorp

The largest annual Sustainably Built Congress on February 1st 2018 in Hoofddorp has included our 8 step-by-step plan E-N-E-R-G-I-E-K als basics included in its WhitePaper #VanGasLos. Download the WhitePaper here.

Niels Rood, former alterman Eemnes

Very handy overview!
Niels Rood (former councilor Eemnes)

Nice readable.
Ivo Opstelten (former Lector HU, director of StroomVersnelling)

Tijmen Smit, former alderman Laren

Tijmen Smit (oud wethouder Laren)

Roebyem Anders, Sungevity International

Your book “Natural gas-free” read in one go.
Impressive! Inspiring!

Frans de Vries (former director Wilma bouw, director owner Infill Systems)

With great pleasure I have read your booklet “Natural gas free and what next?” In short, I would like to let you know once again that I appreciate your booklet and that I will continue to follow further publications and promotions.

Mick Eekhout (Professor of Product Development at TU Delft, founder / owner Octatube)