Your 7* steps
to natural gas free!
The energy transition is now at hand
Residents and owners are becoming more articulate too, their housing requirements are becoming more and more diverse and these are also changing faster and faster. How do you take into account individual wishes without losing sight of the broad line and the social interest in this?
More and more municipalities opt for circular construction and circular buildings. What is / are these, what are the benefits, what does your municipality choose and can you anticipate quickly enough? What do you deliver on speed of building, adaptable buildings and reducing construction transport?
European legislation (EPBD successor named Levels) will soon require that you also take into account the effect of the home on the health of the resident inside. What is your role in this and that of the owner and landlord?
You are the pivot: take the lead!
You have to deal with housing as responsibility of the municipality. For example, you are responsible for housing, spatial planning, sustainability or the energy transition. Or do you have them all at once?
You are the core of a complex network of your alderman, councilors, residents, building owners, construction companies, project developers, network operators, environmental services and other authorities. You develop policies, implement it and report on the results.
You will reserve land, make zoning plans and manage housing development for the entire energy transition. You also bear co-responsibility in the spending of our public funds.
How do you meet that unprecedented social challenge?
How do you stay ENERGETIC (ENERGIEK) in this transition? Download the e-book instantly and you know how to meet the challenge. In the e-book ‘Natural gas-free and how to proceed?‘ the following 7 topics are needed with a bonus:
1. Balance of interests: how do you create a balance between the interests of everyone involved?
2. Stakeholder network: how do you build a network that supports you in the transition?
3. Efficient, effective and unambiguous: how do you communicate and coordinate all that efficiently, effectively and unequivocally?
4. Risk and return: what risk do you face and how do you achieve sufficient return for your municipality?
5. Building adaptation for families and users: how do you take maximum account of individual wishes of families and other users?
6. Internal political coordination and decision-making: how do you keep the lead?
7. External communication: how do you take care of the external communication in the interests of the transition and the municipality?
To become ENERGIEK as alderman you need this bonus step:
8. Core organization and internal official coordination: how do you set up a core organization for the transition and how do you organize this internally internally?
Download now the e-book ‘Natural gas-free and how to proceed?‘
Your 7* steps
to natural gas free!
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