Webinar en Workshop Re-Use and Remanufacturing

The demand for sustainable products is growing, both with the government and with consumers.

Products must be reliable and last as long as possible. To what extent has your company already responded? The markets are moving fast and the front runners know more and more customers to commit themselves, against limited costs. Customers are increasingly critical, have access to more information and become aware of the social costs.

How do you do that? In two words: circular business.

Re-use and remanufacture your products while simultaniously try to avoid the use of raw materials. Your products are of excellent quality and remain exelent for a long time, with parts and materials that are easily replaceable or can be easily repaired. Where not yet feasible you are used to communicate your needs to attract new partnerships. This is always about a new production chain becoming ultimately an use-collect-redevelop-remake-reuse circle. The service that is performed by this businessmodel also contributes to greater customer satisfaction and bonding.


Preparation one; a free Webinar!

Re-Use en Remanufacturing webinars show you your benefits and examples. The Webinars are aimed at professionals active or interested in moving into remanufacturing. Click the button below for more information on the Webinar. The Workshops dig deep into your business demands in search of you model.

Circular entrepreneurship is no longer a future music.

A company that does re-use and remodeling has an advantage in tenders. Not only if societal and environmental costs are taken into account by the client, also by avoiding your own costs of operation, garanties and liability. You know better what the customer really wants and needs and you can clearly present your resources in the screen. But it is the production process streamlining that precisely meets the current demand from the market. You have more control over the building process, are assured of cost reductions. Rewards are increased and reflected on you.

With this Webinar and subsequent Workshop you get all the resources you need to bring your company up to date. Prevent surprises by increasing the independence and efficiency of your business. Get your future businessmodel to start your own step-by-step transformation to the business of the future.

Webinar and future Workshop information details

The Webinar information you find after pressing the button. This Workshop will take place at TU Delft, lunch included. The Webinar and Workshop are made in cooperation with the Wuppertal Institut, VIT Finland and EIT Raw Materials by the TUDelft faculties of IO, 3ME and BK. BRIQS Foundation has taken the initiative to give the Workshop ‘Re-use and Refabrication’ to you and to get a special offer for you too.

This Webinar and Workshop are of course irreplaceable to your company; naturally you want to participate in knowing first hand these changes! You will receive the tools to make your company a circular company. You learn what opportunities there are and how you ensure that you do not let them down.

As a bonus you get the opportunity to participate in the CoCycle Community program. In addition to substantial discounts on workshops, you also get access to the network of like-minded people in circular construction.


Click on the button for the detail page with more information and sign up.

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