Lectures and Seminars

I give lectures, workshops, seminars and master classes, often on these topics:

  • new raw materials on earth are limited, so sensible (re) use via circular economy in buildings is important;
  • a leading role of the building consumer and his health, set and productivity, next to the investor;
  • phasing out of fossil fuels such as the fuel natural gas in buildings and as a raw material in construction products.

For more information, go to:

Year 2015

ETH Zurich CH, The Future of Open Building Congress, september 9-11 2015

open_buildingimg_3360Congres with BRIQS presentation of “Open Buildings as the basis for Circular Economy Buildings” on Monday 9th 17 hours. This is a report of the congress.

In addition to the three days conference with many lectures and presentations, we paid a visit to Inselspital in Bern CH and a high school. Both built according to open building principles building, the University Hospital has an first aid area, research and analysis labs and operating theaters combination realised in one building.

Circularity in the Build Environment on July 1st 2015 at TU Delft, faculty of Architecture.

Lecture/Workshop Time Based Design as 1,5 hour information, documentation and workshop on the developments in Japan, Finland and The Netherlands. More information on c2cinspiredlab and the BRIQS presentation download.

Towards a circular economy in construction May 22 and June 18, 2015 | 09:00 to 12:30 hours LEF future center Rijkswaterstaat

Brainstorm sessions on the establishment of a circular economy in construction. Policy doesn’t make the construction circular, but it can help. Think tank under professional supervision of LEF future center Rijkswaterstaat with the smartest role of government for a circular economy in construction.

Circular Economy opportunities workshop Genk (B) 28th of april on the impact and business of Open Building to the region.

Flemish and local partners command mapping the regional potential of circular economy in co-creation sessions. In addition to creating new business plans are also considered how the spatial and economic development can be best aligned, an important aspect in the TOP Limburg project. The results of the co-creation sessions confirmed the potential of the region in this new “circular economy”!

Responsible residents bootcamp: 11th of April 2015 at Park 20|20 Hoofddorp The Netherlands

In the full day program from 10:00 until 17:00 a group worked on fulfilling their home potential. They got the introduction for residents who take their health, energy consumption and virgin material use and their changes serieus and are willing to self action. For more information of next workshop go to www.briqs.org.

Smart City Collective to Bandung

The latest visit in the last week of februari leading to these projects in this video. Now on with preparations to the AsiaAfrica Conference 22-24th of April in Bandung to show the results.

Group Decision Room meeting Biobased Buildings

Almost 30 participants came together on the afternoon of March 31 in the research farm of Wageningen University in Valthermond (Drenthe NL). The came to discuss the impact of building materials on indoor climate and further to the health impact of the actual users in the buildings. BRIQS was part of the group to focus on the needed insights of interest of end users and investors. How to measure the effects and how to present this as an argument for clients to choose wisely in their building. A big list of ideas was created and partly discussed.

Green filmmaking workshop ‘Sustainable Production in Practice’

took place March 19 from 13:30-17:30 pm (+ drinks) @pllek in Amsterdam with over 30 participants out of the film industry. How do we deal with our materials and products on the set? Especially in ‘the middle of noware’ a fun challenge! See the movie of the event:

Find a comprehensive report (in Dutch) at their website www.greenfilmmaking.nl of Filmfonds.

Workshop Circular Economy in practice: 3rd of Februari 2015 at TUDelft

How different is Real Estate in the Circular Economy in comparison with other parts of the economy? An hour lecture on Real Estate in the Circular Economy. Find the presented slideshow on Slideshare.

Year 2014

Roundtable meeting at NRC Rokin Amsterdam, The Netherlands 16th of december 2014:

Innovative drivers in future city development: http://www.plusbusiness.nl/rondetafelgesprek.php (Dutch)

DGBC.nl Partnership day, Workshop Are Healthy Buildings Sexy?: 27th of November 2014 at Forbo Assendelft, The Netherlands

Who wants a healthy building? What is a healthy building worth and how to buy or sell a healthy building? http://www.dgbc.nl/content/dgbc-participantenbijeenkomst (Dutch)

Lecture at VIBA Expositie: 6th of November 2014 Den Bosch The Netherlands at 20:00

briqs - viba me

How private commissioning works in the dense city environment. This talks about the stacked buildings with multiple functions, users and owners finding a way to join strength.

Dutch Design week Eindhoven: Monday 20th and 23rd of October 2014 at Circular Economy HOTSPOT

lectures: The two requirements on Circulair Economy in buildings.

Two tasks leading to completion of the circular economy in buildings and its surroundings:
– Moving in thinking and doing 3D into 4D in buildings and so to participate in the building development through time;
– From ONE to TWO customers – the user and the investor – emphatically as co-principals looking towards the construction industry.

On the basis of examples showing the renewable potential in the arising market and how that market in different countries have responded. The Netherlands was far ahead 20 years ago and is now overtaken by countries around the world based on this Dutch originally thought. We directly focus on the social impact into their decisions in the circular economy. So now the systems (Profit / Prosperity) implemented through the Social (People) interests that enable the Ecological (Planet) conditions for life and health.

Lecture: 25rd of September 2014 at Surya University, Environmental Engineering, Serpong Indonesia

“How social & ecological loops come together in 4D development of buildings”

At the Bandung Smart City Conference & Mini Expo 2014 by ITB

This conference took place on 22 and 23 of September 2014. This as part of a week of meetings as part of the NL delegation. See Smart City Collective for more information. During this stay in Bandung, we have created a short film about our cooperation on Smart Cities:

In Bahasa Indonesia:

In English:

In Dutch:

At the Jakarta Green Building Conference, APN Meeting & Mini Expo 2014 by GBC Indonesia

This conference took place on 8 and 9 May 2014. It is the third time that Remko Zuidema participates. This year for the first time in collaboration with the State Service for Entrepreneurial NL, organized for Dutch entrepreneurs in sustainable building in Smart City Collective visit.

NAVS theme meeting Sustainable use of natural resources and property rights

On 17 April last, Remko Zuidema took part in an open and engaging panel discussion on sustainable use of natural resources and property rights. Together with Ed Nijpels (NLingenieurs), Thomas Rau (Rau Architects) and Florens Slob (Van Gansewinkel Group). A lively discussion with the present real estate parties and Amersfoort councilors followed until late at night.

Remko Zuidema moderator at Reframe Housing 2014

Recently, on April 15, Remko Zuidema was a moderator at the workshop Smart financing; new business models at TU Eindhoven, together with Thomas Verhagen (Dialogues House). Read more on our Smart Financing blog about the event. Funding is a major bottleneck getting the housing market back on track. For funding, a provable cash flow, reduced risk, and hard and soft securities are important. But waiting for money from our regular banks, which are increasingly talking about sustainable financing, is not really necessary.

After all, a bank may also provide other essential services, such as assessing and spreading of risks or serving as a network / platform of knowledge and a distribution channel for smart (financial) products. We are growing towards earning for multiple parties: the evolving user or investor enter the market along with the funder and other stakeholders. Why are crowd funding, credit unions and social impact bonds still used so little?

Year 2013

Workshop for students of the Hogeschool Utrecht

On Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Remko Zuidema met final year students from the departments of Architecture, Construction Management and Industrial Engineering from the University of Utrecht. During a private lecture he emphasized the principles of the Circular Economy, new business models and new organization in the construction industry. Based on this, students will develop their own ideas about circular thinking in construction (industry) and in real estate. Progressive internships are due.

Seminar TU Delft Circular commodity economy

On November 6, 2013 Remko Zuidema gave a lecture on the circular commodity economy with the title: Building Materials, from chain to circle. The particular challenges. The introduction was part of the seminar Tracking of materials, the challenge of TU Delft. Apart from Remko there were speakers from TU Delft, metal employers’ organization FME and from the entrepreneurial side.

Green Building Council Brasil: integration with social sustainability

In 2011 Remko Zuidema hosted a workshop for the Green Building Council Brasil. In December 2012 Remko visited a number of universities like USP, Mackenzie and UNICAMP and companies in Brazil exploring the theme: Energy and natural resources in the context of sustainability. This in preparation for his contribution to the latest developments at the conference of the Green Building Council Brazil in August 2013 in Sao Paulo.

Remko Zuidema spoke in Jakarta on green healthcare housing

Four themes were discussed during the conference Green Right, organized by the Green Building Council Indonesia in Jakarta on April 11, 2013: 1. Indonesia Movement Toward Sustainability; 2. Green Building; 3. Green Cities; 4. Green Healthcare. Remko Zuidema gave his presentation about green healthcare on behalf of The Netherlands Embassy. Of course, he presented the subject in light of the circular economy, flexible and adaptable building and their advantages to the fast healthcare developments.

Masterclass shows profitability of the circular construction economy

On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Jan- Henk Welink of the Platform Sustainable Materials Management at TU Delft organized a master class on the topic More profit for the building industry because of a circular economy.   Remko Zuidema was the first speaker. He showed that a new circular way of working makes the building industry more profitable. Hennes de Ridder, Emeritus Professor of Integrated Design at TU Delft, spoke about the LEGOlisering of constructionCircular material flows in construction was the subject of the introduction of Duzan Doepel. Doepel is lector for sustainable architecture and urban planning at the Rotterdam Academy of Engineering. Finally Elma Durmisevic gave a lecture on Future Buildings – Design for Disassembly; experiment or necessity? Elma is connected to the faculty of Engineering Sciences at the University of Twente. In the journal Waste of June 2013 there was a report of this master: Circular building requires loose building blocks.

Conference course Bio-Based Building

RDM Campus Rotterdam, Thursday, March 28, 2013. Business models and architectural strategies for closing Bio-Based cycles was the central theme of the sessions of this conference. One aspect of bio-based building that got particular emphasis in the sessions was Bio-based business models and Circular Economy. Duzan Doepel – lector for sustainable architecture and urban planning at the Rotterdam Academy of Engineering – led the session. Remko Zuidema gave his vision.


After 2015, many meetings have taken place, but keeping track of them has ceased.

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