Een ander bouwproces: verbouw in plaats van nieuwbouwWhat does your ideal home or business premises look like in 2015? No doubt very different from 2005 or 2025. Whether you own the place or just use it, or both, your needs and desires change constantly. That is not something the current building industry takes into account. I want to change that, for your benefit. I am working towards a new building process. So you can continuously create a living and working environment that fits your most current needs. Let me help you.

How the building process works now?

In the Netherlands, remodeling, restoring or renovating an existing building, is often much more complicated and expensive than demolishing it and build a new one. That is because no one allows for easy change in use after the building is completed. Since the invention of concrete walls and floors some 50 years ago, we happily pour all installations for heat, water and electricity into concrete. So every change is difficult if not completely impossible. If we assume an office or residential building lasts a hundred years, and during that period an average of ten (re)movals take place, then you know that renovation is ten times more common than new construction. But that is not the premise of the existing laws and regulations. Neither is it the starting point for present investors, owners, managers, consultants and builders. The result: vacancies, demolition and waste. And skyrocketing costs for you as an owner and user if you want to grow and change.

How the building process should be working

In short, we need another building process, which reasons from your interest as an owner and/or user in the design and construction. You are served best by adaptability, flexibility and fixed value. To achieve that, we need to make a distinction in interests of users and investors in relation to the life cycle of a building. This separation of interests directly provides a clear division in responsibilities and risks for the base building (investor) and the fit-out (user). You can share ownership this way!

The examples are around you!

In the Netherlands we already have several successful examples of this separation. In shops and other retailers it is already fully accepted that the tenant or user gets a bare space with utility connections. For this space the tenant decides on his own what to do about renovation and fit-out, including all costs and risks. And if you want to terminate the lease or sell the fit-out, then the new owner or tenant can quickly make changes and get started quickly and efficiently. In retail, it is standard to redesign and build a shop within a week or even over the weekend. That is how renovation becomes the logical choice over constructing a new building.

Let us all show each other the way in the world of construction and teach you the language that gets things done there YOUR way. So you can hold your own ground in the building process you are involved in, in the transformation of existing buildings and new constructions.

Take the next step and share your experiences

Do you want to take a next step? Come to the FREE* Masterclass. We will work with practical tools to instantly implement the actions of my ebook in your organizational, fiscal or financial projects and organization.

Join the conversation

Do you know how to build that new way and what you need? What benefits for use do you see, which one is the most important? Share it in the comments below.

To your health and wellbeing,

Remko Zuidema